at Luna Dermatology
The Hudson Valley’s Premier Boutique for Targeted Coolsculpting Treatments.
We Have the Most Effective, Non-Surgical Fat Removal
Easily Freeze Away Your Stubborn Fat with No Downtime
Many of us have those stubborn areas of fat that seem to evade the effects of diet and exercise. It’s a little different for everyone, but common areas include the midsection, chin, back, underarms, hips, and thighs. At one point in time, liposuction was the only way to remove this kind of fat, but as technology advanced, we now have Coolsculpt- a simpler, noninvasive treatment that delivers excellent results.
If you have frustrating fat that you want to get rid of, but want to avoid invasive and expensive surgery, CoolSculpting may be a good solution. Scroll down to learn more about this innovative procedure and why Luna Dermatology is known as the best office in the Hudson Valley to “freeze away” your fat.
Click here for a video overview on Coolsculpting
The Advantages of Coolsculpt
Easy way to target stubborn fat
FDA-approved for safety and effectiveness
20 – 25% fat reduction in clinical studies (individual results will vary)
No surgery, no scarring
Short treatment time (about one hour)
Comfortable. No anesthesia required
No recovery time needed
High level of patient satisfaction
Who Can Benefit from Coolsculpt?
The short answer is that many people are candidates for Coolsculpt, although it’s not ideal for everyone

Dr. Bair precisely measures a Coolsculpt patient.
Those who generally maintain a healthy weight, but have pockets of stubborn fat, tend to get excellent results with Coolsculpting. On the other hand, those who are overly obese or have large amounts of fat they want to remove are likely not to be a good fit for the procedure. In those cases (where the goal is more extreme) surgery is a better option.
Overall, maintaining a healthy lifestyle should always be one’s first approach when looking to achieve one’s body (and even skincare) goals. That said, it’s extremely difficult, if not nearly impossible, to control where on your body fat builds up or where you lose it when you lose weight. For example, exercise burns calories, but whether you burn those from fat cells in your belly, your legs, your arms, or any other area, can be difficult to predict- even with targeted exercise. We can thank our genetics for that and why some people build or lose fat in some areas, while others are completely different.
Fortunately, at Luna Dermatology, we can specifically target areas of stubborn fat with Coolsculpt. Even better, unlike diet and exercise (which merely shrink fat cells but keep them around) Coolsculpt actually eliminates the targeted fat cells from your body, naturally removing them for good.
How Does Coolsculpt Work?
Right now, you’re probably asking yourself if you read that correctly. In the paragraph above, did they just say that diet and exercise merely SHRINK fat cells, but they stay in the body? And with Coolsculpting the fat cells are actually permanently removed from the body? Yes, that is correct. So how does it work?
It may surprise you to learn that each of us has a fixed number of fat cells in our body which is set from the time we’re children (determined primarily by genetics). When we gain fat, it’s actually those same fat cells growing, not new fat cells being created. Likewise, when we “burn calories” and lose weight through diet and exercise, we’re actually shrinking our fat cells, not removing them from the body. They are still there and can expand again over time.
Coolsculpting is different. Through a process called “Cryolipolysis” this procedure actually freezes your fat cells in a safe and comfortable way, causing them to die and be naturally excreted from your body. Years ago, researchers at Harvard discovered that fat cells die at a higher temperature (i.e., safer temperature) than surrounding tissue. Therefore, the skin and other cells in the area you want to treat simply get very cold and live on just fine after treatment, while the fat cells die. This is all accomplished through the targeted, sustained cooling process that Coolsculpt provides.

Each treatment takes about one hour per area and we typically recommend about two treatments per area, spaced six weeks apart, for optimal results. During your treatment, a protective gel will be applied to the area and then the CoolSculpting device is added using a combination of vacuum pressure and deep cooling. It is a comfortable process, and most of our patients read, relax, or spend time on their phone during the procedure.
Once the treatment is complete you can return to your normal daily activities right away, including active pursuits. After treatment your body will expel the dead fat cells through its body’s own natural processes (for example, through sweat or using the bathroom). That process takes about four to six weeks, so patients can expect results to appear gradually over that time. Don’t worry, you won’t even notice the process as these cells are too small and the process too gradual to notice. But you will start to notice the results!
No Surgery. No Downtime. Just Results.
Say goodbye to stubborn fat and book your free consultation today!
Which Areas Can I Target with Coolsculpt?
At Luna Dermatology we have years of experience doing Coolsculpting treatments, which allows us to target a wide range of areas on the body, including:

We are experienced in treating a wide variety of areas with Coolsculpt, including the arms and legs.
- Love handles and the waist
- Upper and lower abdomen
- Inner and outer thighs
- Arms
- Hips
- Bra fat
- Banana rolls
- Male breasts
- Double chin
- Knees
Ask the Doctor
Q: Is Coolsculpting uncomfortable or painful?
A: Coolsculpting is not a painful procedure, and it requires no anesthesia. Patients can expect to feel a deep cooling sensation in the area being treated. After a few minutes, the area becomes numb and patients feel comfortable enough to read or watch videos on their phone. Immediately following treatment the area is massaged, which can be a bit sore, but this is generally well tolerated and helps to improve results.
Q: Are the Result Permanent?
A: Yes! Once the targeted fat cells have been killed, they do not grow back, so the results can last indefinitely. That said, it’s important to remember that you will still have other fat cells in your body and those can expand, causing you to regain weight and overall fat. Therefore, to keep your results you should maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine after your treatment.
Q: Is the Treatment for Both Men and Women?
A: Yes! Both women and men can have the treatment done with equally great results.
Q: How Much Does Coolsculpting Cost?
A: Ultimately, the cost of treatment varies based on the size of the area being treated, the number of areas you have treated, and how many Coolsculpt cycles are performed. Most treatments at our practice are $750 per cycle, however we do offer discounts when a package is purchased, as well as occasional promotions.
Q: How Can I Find Coolsculpt Near Me?
A: You already have! Luna Dermatology has the best Coolsculpting available in the Hudson Valley. With years of experience, a top-rated team, and a track record of proven results, you can rest assured that you’re in good hands.
freeze away unwanted fat without surgery and no downtime
Schedule an appointment now or email us to book your free consultation today!